
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 – PS3

I Didn't get much gaming in this week. as its getting closer to Christmas i thought it would be best to spend time getting presents and such and that took up alot of my time. i imagine things with news and the blog will quiet down in the next week or so allowing me to play more games.

Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 – PS3 – I've decided to go after the Platinum. I'm down to just 4 trophies to get. 1 is getting all the Ninja Cars, an in-game achievement system with 157 cards to get. I'm well over halfway but the remaining ones will take a long time. I also need to max out money in the game to get that trophy and to then buy stuff to get the remaining trophies.

S'plosion Man – Xbox 360 – I've started making my way through the second set of levels now. Its hard but not frustrating hard, it takes a couple of goes before I get it but its fine. I'm not going to sped hours playing this in one go, for me it feels more a play a bit here, a bit there kinda game.

Puzzle Quest 2 – Xbox 360 – I've explored some more of the game, under the foot of the Goblin King, but not made too much progress recently.

Gran Turismo 5 – PS3 – I played some more of the game, finding a Plymouth in the used car section was a great help and after some tuning its become a fun racer.

